Tuesday, December 6, 2011


So, here it is...a naked and soon to be collection.  I am starting this blog to reanimate my creativity as a poet, and to maybe gain some insight into myself again.  I have written a lot of poems, in fact Crazy Jane Records is planning to release a collection of them next year as a companion to my albums.  And my songwriting is poetry too I guess,  But it has been years since the art of a real and visceral, breathing, shivering poetry has a been an active part of my life.  I, like most people now, am very very busy.  I work too much and sleep too little, so the idea that I will be adding this little challenge to my life is crazy right?!  I've never been accused of sanity.  So here is this little blank moment, a corner, a quiet place to scratch at my active thoughts, and to see what come to the surface.  Ugly, real, silly, dark, happy...it all goes down.  Here is my mission:  to write a poem a day for one year starting this new years day. 
  The goal here is to create...whatever comes up, and with me, that has always been a strange ride.  It will be raw, it will be vulgar and beauty and violent and gentle and passionate.  Read it if you dare...I suppose.  I hope this makes me think more, feel more, read more, and just take a little time to reflect each day.  Maybe scare off a few of those demons or emotions that sit below my salty sweat.  I will warn anyone who knows me, I will not be censoring myself at all here...if complete and brutal honesty scares you and you fear you might be a subject to something here, go no further.  The use of names will be held with careful discretion but the art will go down 100% real.  At any rate, reader beware and lets see where the train goes if you set it off the tracks, bury the throttle and snap it off...
  1 year, 365 poems.  Here we go...

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